Hosting Organisation

Korea Transportation Safety Authority

KOTSA(Korea Transportation Safety Authority)
“For a bright future without traffic accidents…”

Since its foundation on July 1, 1981, the Korea Transportation Safety Authority (TS) has been responsible for transportation safety in Korea and ensuring safety and happiness of the people.

We have endeavored to protect the lives and property of the people through car inspections, improvement of car safety and safety management of road, railway and aviation. Our new goals for the future involve introducing the advanced transportation culture, advanced automobile management, and taking the initiative in green transportation and sustainable management.

We are well aware that many people expect safe Korea that we realize in the era of 20 million cars. So, we make every effort to take the lead in creating a safer and happier Korea and to emerge as a world class competitive transportation safety specialist.

It is our aim to be a respected public organization with transparent management based on the strength of our capabilities and principles. Currently, we are focused on achieving our goal of emerging as a global top 10 country in the green and safety transportation field by 2020 on the strength of core values as ‘safety’, ‘challenge’ and ‘reliability’.